ContactCORP are going to be releasing unique interview questions generated in-house and released here every Thursday!

What makes them unique?
You won’t be able to find these questions anywhere else but here, and on our social platforms. We’ve come up with a list of questions that probe a candidate for coming up with creative and logical solutions. What’s more, we also delve into what to look out for when a candidate is answering these interview questions in short, fun videos.
This week’s question
Our question this week is:
“You start work in 15-minutes but are a 30-minute walk away and your phone is dead, what do you do?”
This question will yield invaluable information regarding a candidates priorities, and is especially applicable to temporary warehouse staff like the one’s we source for Aldi’s distribution centre. Will they prioritise getting in touch, or will they simply keep walking? Can the candidate retain the given information from this problem and solve it? Are they listening, and did they clock that you said “30-minute walk” and would suggest they run? All these things will tell you what page the candidate is on and let you know if they’re the right one for you.
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We’ll be releasing weekly blogs and firing out this content across social every Thursday! Use the links below to check out our channels or subscribe for email updates by clicking here to never miss a beat.